Located in the middle of the vast East Sea, the Hoang Sa and Truong Sa Islands are two systems of islands, rocks, shoals and shoals with special geographical, economic, defense and scientific significance. With a diverse ecosystem and rich resources, this archipelago is considered the "treasure" of the East Sea.

Calendar history image wall and release development.
Calendar history belongs to Paracel and Truong Sa spread over a long row of hundred years, with much sign press mandarin weight from time period neck grand give arrive presently in
Region sea our country has an area product about 1 million Kilometer square, 3 times the area product land adjacent, occupy nearly 30% of the area product Sea East. Region sea our country has row thousand island big, small Okay stool dad rather even according to afternoon long edge sea and two trousers island money pepper belong to Nest country To be Hoang Sa, Truong Sa.
By proof calendar history, law reason about owner right belong to Vietnam with two trousers island This Satisfied and in progress Okay much country family, plus copper country economy and much scientist affirm Definition: House water Vietnam is home water head fairy in calendar history Satisfied occupy have and real exam owner right belong to me opposite to with 2 pants island this.

1. Hoang Sa

Geographical location
Currently, the district Paracel Islands wall street Da Da Nang. Hoang Sa Island is located at coordinates 16o 32' 0" North latitude and 111o 36' 7" East longitude, oval-shaped, 9m high, 0.5km2 area, about 950m long, about 650m wide, surrounded by coral reefs.

Special point land reason belongs to Paracel Islands.
In calendar history trousers island Hoang Sa still exists Have name is " Beach " sand gold ”. Name country economy often Okay body presently above the sea thing To be Paracels. Hoang Sa includes about 37 islands, rocks, shoals, reefs, and some other geographical features, located about 120 nautical miles from Ly Son Island, Quang Ngai Province, Vietnam. Island This owner weak To be sand and coral, with land image soy sauce opposite to equal flat. Air after in This carry calculate matter heat zone, with season dried and season rain clear distinct, create thing case favorable profit gives the release develop belong to system dynamic real object sea.
Located to the east of Vietnam, Hoang Sa controls the vital international shipping route from the Pacific Ocean through the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. This sea area has great potential for minerals and seafood resources, favorable for economic development, more importantly, this is a strategic military position, controlling the sea and air traffic routes in the northern East Sea area.

Islands, rocks, and shoals of Hoang Sa archipelago
The Paracel Islands consist of two main island clusters: the Crescent group in the west and the An Vinh group in the east.
1. Crescent Group: This group of islands is shaped like a bow or crescent, located to the west of the archipelago, near the mainland of Vietnam, including 08 main islands: Da Bac, Hoang Sa, Huu Nhat, Duy Mong, Quang Anh, Quang Hoa, Bach Quy, Tri Ton, and shoals, rocky outcrops.
2. An Vinh Group: Located in the east, including relatively large islands of the Hoang Sa archipelago and also the largest coral islands of the East Sea such as Phu Lam Island, Cay Island, Linh Con Island, Trung Island, Bac Island, Nam island, Tay island, Hon Da island.

Marine ecosystem
This archipelago has a tropical climate, hot and humid, with lots of rain, often foggy and stormy, especially from June to August every year. On some islands, there are fresh water sources, dense trees, countless birds, and especially many sea turtles.
This year near here, Hoang Sa has a return wall opposite to statue research rescue belonging to many scientists, thanks enter the Multiform Born learn great here. One number species born object toxic unique only Have in the area this, right because So but Paracel Islands are gradually Okay labor receive To be one in that area need Okay tell guard lip school.

Natural conditions
Sunshine hours in the Hoang Sa archipelago fluctuate between 2,400-2,600 hours/year, of which summer (from May to October) has about 1,300 hours of sunshine, longer than winter (from November to April). During the summer months, the sunshine hours in the Hoang Sa archipelago are always longer than in the Truong Sa archipelago.
The air temperature in the Hoang Sa Sea area has the lowest value of 22o-24oC in January, gradually increasing to a maximum of 28.5o-29oC in June and July and gradually decreasing to 25oC in December. The temperature difference between the highest and lowest temperature months is 5.5oC-6oC.

2/ Truong Sa

Geographical location
The Spratly Islands range from 6o50'N to 12o00'N and from 111o20'E to 117o20'E. In the Northwest - Southeast direction, it is about 400 km wide and in the Northeast - Southwest direction, it is about 900 km wide. The nearest point of the archipelago is about 340 nautical miles from Vung Tau and about 250 nautical miles from Cam Ranh. Administratively, the Spratly Islands are a district of Khanh Hoa province.

Geographical characteristics of the Truong Sa
The Spratly Islands, whose English name is Spratley Islands, are located in the southern part of the East Sea. Island Truong Sa has over 150 islands that float, and sink big and small with areas product the island floating enter about 10km2. The island belongs to trousers Island Low Spratly Islands then the island belongs to trousers island Paracel. Degree High central jar above face water about 3 - 5m. The total area of product part floating belongs to socks chief the island, rock, sandbar, and beach in the archipelago island Truong Sa only about 3 km2 smaller than the total area of product belonging to trousers island Paracel (10 km2) but again spread out on one region sea wide urgent than much time trousers island Paracel Islands.

Islands, rocks, and shoals of the archipelago Truong Sa
The Truong Sa archipelago is divided into eight clusters: Song Tu, Thi Tu, Loai Ta, Nam Yet, Sinh Ton, Truong Sa, Tham Hiem, and Binh Nguyen. Song Tu Tay is the highest island (about 4 - 6m high at low tide); Ba Binh is the largest island (0.6 km2). In addition, there are many small islands and reefs such as Sinh Ton Dong, Chu Thap, Chau Vien, Ga Ven, Ken Nan, Da Lon, and Thuyen Chai.

Marine ecosystem
On the islands, there are many types of green trees such as Phong Ba, Casuarina, Bang Vuong, and some types of wild grass vines. The soil on the islands of the Truong Sa archipelago is coral sand, mixed with layers of bird droppings and tree humus about 5 - 10 cm thick. The marine resources in the Truong Sa archipelago are very rich, especially the rare turtle and the ocean tuna with high economic value. Not only does it have a large and diverse resource reserve, but the Truong Sa archipelago also has an important strategic military position in the Southeast of our country.
The environment in Truong Sa is quite special, when the marine resources are abundant but also have many potential risks due to climate change. Therefore, the protection and sustainable exploitation of resources here has become an urgent task not only for Vietnam but also for surrounding countries.

Natural conditions
The natural conditions and climate of this area are very harsh: sun, wind, frequent storms, lack of fresh water, and many islands have no trees. Some weather phenomena also develop differently from the mainland. The climate in the Truong Sa archipelago can be divided into two seasons: dry season and rainy season. The dry season is from January to May, the rainy season is from May to January of the following year, and the average annual rainfall is very large, about more than 2,500 mm. Thunderstorms are very common in the sea area of this archipelago, it can be said that all year round, there are thunderstorms every month and it is a place where big storms often pass through, concentrated in the rainy months.

Role in the main book opposite to foreign belong to Vietnam
Paracel and Truong Sa is not only be sentence story belonging to the owner's right lead soil but still an image enjoy a deep sharp main book opposite to a foreign belonging to Vietnam.

War comb opposite to foreign belongs to Vietnam.
In the context scene edge fierce competition in Sea East , Vietnam has build one war comb opposite to foreign sacred active and copper set, protect sure right profit and profit benefit belong to country family in those advantage fairy row head To affirm determine owner right lead soil through the direction awake foreign deliver.
Job Reference family enter the act piano country economy, sign conclude the union bilateral and Multi-direction Satisfied help Vietnam lifts High taste position belongs to me above school country economy, copper time create build Okay trust from the opposite to cooperation.

Work country economy and Multi-direction
Vietnam no stop open wide fit work with the country family in area area and above position gender to prize decide problem subject painting accept in Paracel and Truong Sa. Commitments about telling the guard to draw jar and fine determine in area Satisfied proof show Okay pure god blame duty belong to Vietnam on table talk judge country economy.
In addition, the Reference family enters the nest function area area like ASEAN or APEC to help Vietnam have more muscle festival to end push the bright ants about tell guard lip school and only maintain draw jar in Sea East.

Human role
People Vietnam also close shoulder game mandarin weight in job affirm determine owner right opposite to with Paracel and Truong Sa. That active dynamic declares preach sex about consciousness tell guard sea island Satisfied create should one wind movement strong in commune Association.
Many nest function commune festival Satisfied nest function the session coordinates talk grass to lift High receive awake give add copper about problem subject sea island. Each fish core even has a cold receive Okay blame duty belongs to me in job keep hold price treat sacred Spiritual belong to lead soil.

In the future, with the country’s continuous development, the Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagos will be increasingly invested in and developed. They will become bustling economic, scientific and tourist centers, contributing to enhancing Vietnam’s position in the international arena. At the same time, we also need to raise public awareness of the importance of the sea and islands, arousing patriotism and a sense of responsibility in each citizen.