Con Dao is one of the famous tourist destinations in Vietnam, attracting thousands of tourists every year. This place not only possesses beautiful beaches with clear blue sea water and smooth white sand, but also has many unique historical and cultural heritages. Among them, Dam Trau beach is considered the pearl of Con Dao, with its wild beauty and beautiful nature. Let's learn about Dam Trau beach and the interesting things this place brings to visitors.



Explore the wild beauty of Dam Trau beach

Dam Trau Beach is located in Con Dao district, Ba Ria - Vung Tau province and is located outside Con Dao National Park. Dam Trau beach has an area of about 3.3 hectares, possessing many beautiful natural landscapes, clear water at the bottom, strangely shaped cliffs and brilliant coral reefs. Surrounded by pine forests and high cliffs, Dam Trau beach gives visitors a secluded and wild feeling. When arriving here, visitors will admire the wonderful beauty of the beach with rows of green coconut trees and long stretches of white sand.

A special feature of Dam Trau beach is that this place only has a small number of resorts, not too crowded like other beaches in Con Dao. This helps the beach maintain its beauty and wildness. If you want to find a peaceful place to immerse yourself in the clear blue water and watch the deep blue sky, Dam Trau beach is the ideal destination.

At Dam Trau beach, visitors can visit many historical relics from the French colonial period such as Phu Hai prison or Phu Son prison. These works are not only a place to preserve sad stories about the past but also an opportunity to better understand the tragic history of Con Dao.



Dam Trau - A resort paradise in Con Dao

With wild and peaceful beauty, Dam Trau beach is an ideal place to relax and enjoy a simple life. Visitors can immerse themselves in the clear blue water and relax on the benches spread along the beach. If you want to explore more of the beauty of Dam Trau, you can rent a boat to row around this area.

Dam Trau beach is also an ideal place to admire the sunrise and sunset. Every morning, when the morning sunlight shines on the beach, you will be immersed in the golden color of the sky and sea. When sunset falls, Dam Trau beach becomes a beautiful natural picture with warm orange colors and shimmering firelight on the water surface.



Explore the amazing marine world at Dam Trau

If you love exploring and learning about marine life, Dam Trau beach is a destination not to be missed. With clear blue water and vast ocean, Dam Trau beach is considered a paradise for diverse marine species. It has beautiful coral beaches and many special species of fish and marine animals. Looking back from afar, Dam Trau beach looks like an oasis in the middle of the deep blue ocean. When approaching, this place is a place to stop to relieve all the worries of life, the hustle and bustle of the city, to immerse yourself in the peace of nature.

Fun activities at Dam Trau.

Coming to Dam Trau beach, Con Dao, you will definitely be overwhelmed by the picturesque beauty of the beach. The golden sand beach is located next to the clear blue beach like the color of quartz stones, enough to make people flutter.

+ Watch planes take off and land - because Con Dao Dam Trau Beach is located right next to Co Ong airport, from here you can watch planes take off and land continuously.

+ Enjoy seafood by the beach: there are many small restaurants serving seafood right on the beach, prepared fresh and hot.

+ Scuba diving to see corals and rich flora and fauna under the clear sea water

+ Admiring the seascape on neighboring islands, and the flock of seagulls flying overhead will bring a strange feeling of peace.

+ Renting a tent to camp overnight right on the beach, lying down and listening to the sea breeze whispering through the trees and the sound of waves lapping steadily on the shore is definitely an interesting experience that not everyone has the opportunity to have. experience.


Guide to come Dam Trau beach from Con Dao

To reach Dam Trau beach, visitors can go by speedboat from Con Dao. The boat will depart from Con Dao port and take about 30 minutes to reach the beach area. Ticket price is 300,000 VND for one way.

If you want to explore Dam Trau beach during the day, you can rent a motorbike or taxi to go from Con Dao. The road is not too difficult and following Ba Long road, it only takes about 15 minutes to reach Dam Trau beach.

Tips for a perfect trip to Dam Trau

The best time of the year to visit Dam Trau beach in Con Dao is from October to March every year, this is the best time of the year, not affected by tropical storms. At this time, the sky is blue and white clouds most days, and the cool air is very suitable for sightseeing and tourism activities.

If you want to participate in activities such as windsurfing or scuba diving, research and book in advance to avoid full seats.

When snorkeling or scuba diving, be careful with dangerous sea animals such as fish snakes or octopuses. Always follow safety rules and do not attempt to touch.

You should bring sunscreen, sunglasses and drinking water to protect your skin from the effects of the sun and keep your body hydrated.


Local culture

In addition to Dam Trau Beach, historical relics, Con Dao is also a place of cultural interaction for local people. Visitors can participate in traditional cultural activities such as folk music concerts, lion dances or even participate in local festivals taking place here. This helps visitors better understand the life and soul of Con Dao people.




Above is detailed information about Dam Trau beach - the pearl of Con Dao, which brings visitors wonderful experiences of pristine nature, local culture , and historical significance. Hopefully after reading this article, you will have more knowledge and plans for your upcoming trip to explore Dam Trau. Prepare yourself with a full bag and start your journey to explore this wonderful destination today!